about yumnah

Yumnah Syed-Swift, LCSW

Name pronunciation: yuhm-nuh

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Offering online therapy for residents of  Texas

So, you are considering therapy. Perhaps you are navigating a major life change like trying to start a family, or moving through pregnancy. You might be facing a significant challenge like relationship troubles, divorce, or trauma. Maybe you are grappling with the intersection of your culture and sexuality, or struggling to navigate life as a neurodivergent individual, and its impact on your self and the important relationships in your life. Whatever the reason, I am so glad you’re here! These experiences can be difficult and often feel isolating. You might be thinking, “no one understands.”  Well, I’m here to listen.

Request a Free Consultation


Supporting people from my own community and backgrounds is my passion. I'm a late-in-life member of the ADHD club, a Perinatal Mental Health Provider, and especially love working with other neurodivergent folks and parents. I enjoy couples/relationship therapy, and am a Level 2 Certified Imago Relationship Therapist. Supporting clients in breaking harmful intergenerational patterns, and to heal from trauma by providing culturally competent care to fellow members of marginalized communities is my jam.

I believe in being authentic in the therapy space. I’m a proud wife, bio mom and a bonus mom, as well as a fur mom - we’ve got a full house! I believe in practicing from a place of genuine care and connection, and that includes being transparent in what I’m bringing to the therapy room.


I am a first-generation Pakistani American. I grew up in Southern California, followed my dreams and moved to NYC in my 20s, and ended up in Texas - for now! After receiving my undergraduate degrees in Communications, I jumped into a career in Public Relations. I always knew I was a “people person,” and I enjoyed the variety PR offered. I ended up burning out, and found myself reevaluating my choices, and what I wanted to do with my life. On a trip to NYC I had dinner with some good friends, and our conversation left me inspired. I decided that night that I wanted to apply to graduate school to study social work, and become a therapist to help others. 

I wanted to be the person I needed when I was younger, for others. 

in a nutshell:

culturally inclusive

holistic approach

creative approaches
relationally focused
intersectional feminist

maternal mental health
LGBTQIA+, kink & polyam-friendly

As a woman of color with many hyphenated identities, I am proud to be able to provide culturally sensitive therapeutic practice, affirming all identities and backgrounds. 

I believe Black Lives Matter, transwomen are women (and trans men are men!), and that our suffering as a whole won’t change until we truly learn to care for one another.

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